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5 posts tagged with "vuejs"

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· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

I was using composition API and I had an object/store that I wanted to reset on client logout. I found that I can do it like this:

const company = reactive(new Company());

// Used when we re-login or on logout.
export class CompanyUtil {
public static clear() {
Object.assign(company, new Company());

export default company;

· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

If you have a PWA, you might want to make sure that the client is using the latest version of it. Here are the steps needed to do this using quasar framework:

1. Make sure that the service-worker.js is not cached by nginx

Add this configuration in your nginx:

location ~ service-worker.js$ {
#add_header X-debug-whats-going-on 3;
add_header Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store";
expires -1;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
#/service-worker.js; ->

· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

Installl nvm

# Check latest release:
# This commands also adds the paths to your ~/.bashrc
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc

Install latested node version and use it

nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
# Or
nvm use 16.15.0

Install yarn and upgrade npm:

npm install --global yarn

npm install -g npm@8.10.0

Install RESTer extension.

· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

LE: 14th Sept 2022 - Use Vue3 and you no longer need actions and mutations. Use State Management with Reactivity API

1. When you want to commit to a state(using actions and mutations), do not pass multiple parameters to the commit method, they will have the value undefined. Create an object and pass it like that. This:

commit(types.UPDATE_JOB, index, title);

Will become this:

commit(types.UPDATE_JOB, {index: index, title: job.title});

2. Props that have default value:

export default {
props: {
prop_without_defaut_value: {},
prop_with_defaut_value: {
default: false // this is a bool value
prop_with_defaut_value_string: {
default: String
data() {
return {
var_name: false

3. Use mapActions and custom methods:

methods: Object.assign({},
/* If we want to use mapActions and other
custom methods this is the way to do it
otherwise it will give an error */
]), {
method_1() {
this.title = this.job.title;
this.edit_mode = !this.edit_mode;
method_2() {}