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6 posts tagged with "tips"

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· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

Get lines that contain the same pattern twice or X times(source):

grep -E "(string.*){2}" file.log

· 2 min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

1. Rebase ony one(or X) commits from a brach over another branch:

One commit:

git rebase --onto origin/devel branch_name~1 branch_name

Multiple commits:

git rebase --onto origin/devel branch_name~4 branch_name

2. Add a git worktree:

git worktree add --track -b new_branch_name name_of_folder_to_be_created_for_worktree branch_to_start_from


git worktree add --track -b branch_1 project_1 master

3. Checkout a single file from a specific commit:

git checkout commit_or_branch file_path

4. Overwriting local branch with remote branch:

git checkout branch
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/branch

be careful, this will remove any changes from your working tree!

5. Merge two branches witout checking out on the branch that me want to merge:

I want to merge the chreniuc_548 into devel.

One way to do it is this, but this does a checkout:

git checkout devel
git merge chreniuc_548

Without checking out, you can do this:

# Merge local branch foo into local branch master,
# without having to checkout master first.
# Here `.` means to use the local repository as the "remote":
git fetch . chreniuc_548:devel

# Merge remote branch origin/foo into local branch foo,
# without having to checkout foo first:
git fetch origin foo:foo


6. Push current branch:

git config --global push.default current
# Afterwards:
git push


7. Aliases:

$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global commit
$ git config --global status

# Afterwards:

git st


Or, we can define them in .bashrc:

alias status='git status'
alias branch='git branch'
alias commit='git commit'
alias checkout='git checkout'
alias push='git push'
alias fetch='git fetch origin -p'
alias add='git add'
alias merge='git merge'

· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

Remove unused pacakges:

pacman -Rsn $(pacman -Qdtq)

List all unused packages:

pacman -Qdtq

· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

LE: 14th Sept 2022 - Use Vue3 and you no longer need actions and mutations. Use State Management with Reactivity API

1. When you want to commit to a state(using actions and mutations), do not pass multiple parameters to the commit method, they will have the value undefined. Create an object and pass it like that. This:

commit(types.UPDATE_JOB, index, title);

Will become this:

commit(types.UPDATE_JOB, {index: index, title: job.title});

2. Props that have default value:

export default {
props: {
prop_without_defaut_value: {},
prop_with_defaut_value: {
default: false // this is a bool value
prop_with_defaut_value_string: {
default: String
data() {
return {
var_name: false

3. Use mapActions and custom methods:

methods: Object.assign({},
/* If we want to use mapActions and other
custom methods this is the way to do it
otherwise it will give an error */
]), {
method_1() {
this.title = this.job.title;
this.edit_mode = !this.edit_mode;
method_2() {}