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One post tagged with "build folder"

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· One min read
Hreniuc Cristian-Alexandru

Create a build folder for each project called project_name, which will contain multiple subfolders for each build_type.

Go to Tools -> Options -> Build & Run -> Default build directory:

/path/to/builds/%{JS: Util.asciify("%{CurrentProject:Name}/build-%{CurrentProject:Name}-%{CurrentKit:FileSystemName}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}")}

This will result in a a tree of folders:

  • builds
    • project_name
      • build-project_name-Kit_name-Build_type
    • project_name2
    • build-project_name2-Kit_name-Build_type

Or we can set it to :

/path/to/builds/%{JS: Util.asciify("%{CurrentProject:Name}/%{CurrentBuild:Name}")}

This will result in a a tree of folders:

  • builds
    • project_name
      • Release
      • Debug
    • project_name2
    • build_type